My name is Anna Munro, although the above photo was taken back when I was a 5 year old (bossy) Anna Jaine. Here we are on the farm at 'Cren Lea' in Carew, under the shadow of Mt Peel. Questionable as to whether I am being much use standing in the lamb box but I'm happy to be there! My sister Ailie is sporting a stunning bowl cut for which she can thank me, and Dad is rocking a full ensemble of wool, a true supporter of NZ sheep farmers. My two sisters, brother and I had the best upbringing on sheep and beef farms 'Cren Lea', and later 'Cravendale' in Mt Somers.
These days I lease 'Cravendale' with my husband, Mitch. We have just had a baby so the days are full and (mostly) happy! I am lucky enough to head to Lake Heron Station for musters when they are desperate for numbers, and throw the camera in for each trip.
I have always loved all things creative! The aim of MUSTER is to be a cheerleader for rural life, and to bring the beauty of the high country to you through photography.
I hope you get a boost out of these photos of our stunning country, and the people and dogs who keep it ticking over.
Anna Munro 💛